目前分類:easygo 英文單字篇 (45)

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There are all sorts of ancient legends concerned with how life began on Earth. 


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Many Chinese herbs are soaked in an aqueous solution. 


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The blind infant's response to the sound of his mother was very phlegmatic. 


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The landscape can change abruptly after a rainstorm in the desert. 


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He took a brisk walk around the lake.


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 The parade retarded the progress of the traffic going crosstown. 


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It is damp when it is humid. 


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 It happened that the harvest was bad in 1998. 


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If the crops are not irrigated soon, the harvest will be sparse. 


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Bill is a fleet-footed karate expert. 


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The stamp on the envelope would not stick on the envelope because he soaked it with glue. 


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 In the market fresh fruit and vegetables are available. 


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She lives in the neighborhood of the post office. 


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Peter drinks only tepid liquids. 


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There was turmoil at the union meeting. 


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His desk was muddled with books and toys. 


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The new teacher was appalled at the disorderly condition of her classroom. 


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The gar is a fish with a long, slender body and scales as hard as flint. 


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 A toad is a chubby creature with rough, bumpy skin. 


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 The economy of this country has come to a halt since the upheaval. 


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